Aug 27, 2013
It's good to use the Midas Rule to find the right people to do the right work. I sometimes get carried away with the feeling that just because I'm willing and excited to do something suggests I'm qualified to do so.
The proper adjustment for such an attitude is to claim Midas Rule to decide the direction of a project but then find the right people to do the right work. The approach, the standard, or the process you're thinking about may already exist.
Don't fight your process, your team, or or organization in pursuit of the Midas Rule, work with them! Need a tool? Ask around if you someone uses something similar already. Want to improve or fix something? You might have a department, process, or guide in place.
By asking and giving others the opportunity to claim Midas Rule, you'll have the most motivated, enthusiastic, and qualified people working on things that matter to them. Just be sure to give the credit away and if the responsible people aren't interested, well then Midas Rule anyways. You'll find a way to make it work.
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